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TCX MedTech Innovation Nurse Shortage

Supporting Nurses with AI

In the latest episode of the Women in Medtech Podcast, hosted by Colleen Patterson, the focus was on the intersection of nursing and artificial intell...


Embracing Failure: Key Lessons from Women in Medtech

In this latest episode of the Women in Medtech Podcast, hosted by Stephanie Pitts alongside Colleen Patterson and Barbara Strain, the focus was on the...

A Trailblazer's Guide to Success in Medtech

As a female professional in the rapidly evolving field of medical technology, the journey of Tiffany Wilson, CEO of the University City Science Center...

Med-TeXperts Panelists Interview: Ted Newill

Med-TeXperts Panelists Interview: Skender Daerti

Med-TeXperts Panelists Interview: Barbara Strain

Med-TeXperts Panelists Interview: Frank Ripullo

TCX COVID-19 2020

COVID Commotion: Interview with our Speakers

COVID-19 exposed weaknesses in care processes now more than ever. We help identify ways to reduce patient contact while optimizing patient care and ou...

TCX COVID-19 2020


The first thing I do when sitting down at my desk in the morning is run through my email to prioritize items for the day. One of my favorite aspects o...

TCX Continuing Education Elearning 2020

Webinar: Optimized Vascular Access in the COVID-19 Patient

The Clinician Exchange 181 New Road., Parsippany, NJ 07054